All results and materials will gradually be published here, in English and mostly translated into the national languages of the project partners. The results can be customised and used according to individual needs. Please email if there are any questions or comments.
Curriculum on conversion to organic farming
Curriculum provides a basic framework for education in the topic of conversion to organic farming. It contains important topics related to the conversion to organic farming, divided into thematic sub-groups updated in accordance with results of analysis of farmers’ preferences.
Curriculum on conversion to organic farming - CZ version (1.19 MB)
Curriculum on conversion to organic farming - DE version (572.82 KB)
Curriculum on conversion to organic farming - HU version (647.25 KB)
Curriculum on conversion to organic farming - SK version (1010.44 KB)
Pedagogical guide
Pedagogical guide provides instructions on procedures related to creation of own modules and courses. It consists of two parts – the first part summarises the theory of creating educational materials. The second part presents a collection of selected educational methods, exercises and practical procedures especially suitable for the education and training in conversion to organic farming.
Exemplary Model Course
Exemplary Model Course is an innovative educational material focused on the conversion to organic farming. It consists of selected topics relevant to the conversion to organic farming and is based on the experts’ feedback and on the analysis of farmers’ preferences. The course one-day modules include module description, learning outcomes, instruction day’s structure, and teaching methods.
Educational material
This material is based on the pooled experience and expertise of the project partners and comprises 5 chapters with topics derived from the Curriculum. Educational materials are dedicated to teachers/trainers already involved in higher education; it also can be used later both in international university courses on organic farming as well as in adult education.
Handbook for practitioners on conversion to organic farming
A user-friendly handbook for practitioners provides the necessary knowledge to farm organically and allow them to take the conversion into their own hands. It includes vivid and interactive methods underlining the practice-oriented approach of the material, such as presentations, best practice examples, short videos, presentations, exercises, etc., supporting the user-friendliness of the material.