Education, training and innovations in conversion to organic farming
Farmer expert round table in Hungary

On Wednesday, 13 November 2024, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) organised the farmer expert round table in Tiszaszentimre, Hungary.

The focus group of experts discussed important issues related to conversion to organic farming. The main idea was to get the answers to the following questions:

- What do you think about organic farming and regenerative agriculture? Are you interested in the idea of conversion to organic farming? What advantages and possible challenges do you see in it?

- In your opinion, what topics should be taught that would facilitate the transition to ecological and regenerative farming?

- How important do you think the application of innovative solutions and cooperation between farmers are during farming?

Farmers’ feedback on the mentioned issues will be an important source of information in the process of development of educational materials focusing on the conversion to organic farming. The educational materials will be used in higher education, however, in an adapted version, it can be used in agricultural practice and adult education, as well.
